Global Peter Drucker Forum 2023
The 15th Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna toke place November 30th to December 1st 2023 and we attended. Here is what we learned.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Erik Korsvik Østergaard contributed 28 entries already.
The 15th Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna toke place November 30th to December 1st 2023 and we attended. Here is what we learned.
Today’s episode examines whether culture shapes the organization, or the organization shapes the culture and the importance of trust within this dynamic.
Today’s episode focuses on the topics of self-management, network of teams and principles of the progressive organization.
What is the status of the social network in the modern organization? And what does an organizational network analysis reveal about the other signals?
This episode is a talk about social capital, social contracts, the ideal sizes for teams, of co-leadership as well as teal working practices.
The Culture Canvas is a framework for intentionally designing a tangible organizational culture where what we say is what we do.
Today’s episode focuses on fragmented organizations. We discuss what tools organizations should adopt and the importance of organizations having a unifying mission.
Today’s episode focuses on innovative approaches to money in the modern organization discussing topics such as hiring, salaries and bonuses.
Today’s episode is about how to create decision-making mechanisms for the modern age and asks the question, who decides, who decides?
Good Morning April
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